There are many ways in which we can improve our lives and wellbeing but getting rid of your dog or giving it up for adoption after you committed to having that animal, is most certainly not one of those ways. I recently saw a video, the title was "Police searching for Dallas man who left dog on side of road". The video I am attaching has a different headline as I hope this video helps identify the piece of trash who did this. I have to put a trigger warning, because if you decide to watch that video, it may persuade you into trying to find that asshole yourself. Dallas police hunt man filmed dumping dog on road as traumatised pet chases car (yahoo.com) I did not want to watch this video because I knew it was going to be awful, and even as I'm typing this, it makes me sick, knowing someone could do this. The worst part of that video was at the end, when the dog tried chasing the car that had just dumped him. simultaneously, another person driving in the opposite direction, in a Tesla, slows down but just keeps driving. To me, dumping your dog like that, there is no justifying those actions. I believe that dog is better off without that scum but I hope someone finds the dog before it gets hurt. This has become more of a trend it seems. Most people take their dogs to the Shelter, but some also do things, like in the video. What can we do to stop this? These animals devote their lives to try and please us. If you have a dog that doesn't listen or tears your house up, it is your responsibility to get that dog trained, or walked, or whichever the case may be, but the answer should never be to just throw your dog on the side of the road like some piece of trash.