Well, I made it everyone. I am officially into the blogsphere. It only took me a few days from actually wanting to start a web log A.K.A. blog, to actually begin writing. I believe that is a new personal record for myself. Kudos to me. Usually when I want to start something, I tend to procrastinate, like a lot, i'm serious, its bad. I have a problem that I am working on, so I decided to test myself on this blog. Today is Sunday March 5th, 2023, and on this Lazy Sunday where, it is my one-year older than me, sisters' birthday, so Happy Birthday Debbie, and where my dog Daisy likes to just flop her 80lb body against the wall so that the whole house shakes, I decided to start this. What better day, than a Lazy Daisy Day. Maybe someone will read this, maybe no one, but the fact is, I started something I was passionate about. Now, I know what you're thinking, I just told you I started this a few days after I wanted to try it, how can I possibly be passionate about it? Well, the answer to that is, mind your business, no just kidding. The truth is I have a lot to say but I never say it, or I forget to say something I wanted, and I figured this would be a good way to do that. I will try not to put you to sleep but the truth is, you might, and that's okay but if you stay with me, you might gain some valuable information or you might find yourself just wondering why you're even reading this, but if you do or don't stick around, thank you for giving me a voice into your world.
What I want to talk about, is something that for whatever reason, I just can't get enough of. Dogs! I love dogs and I am not ashamed to say it. I like all animals, but I love dogs. Specifically, all dogs. I grew up watching movies like Homeward Bound and All dogs go to heaven, and K-9 and K-911 and Balto, and Oliver and Company, and oh we cannot forget about our multi super athletic beast of a canine, who shoots better than Steph Curry, and for some reason just cannot die, Air Bud. I mean that dog can shoot and catch, and you get it. Anyway, that's probably where all the trauma of loving dogs came about, but enough about those dogs. I want to talk about all the dogs doing time in the doghouse, that's right prison dogs. also referred to as dogs serving time due to humans being completely pieces of shit. and I wish there was a harsher worder than shit, but I will leave it at that. Before you start getting all defensive, and start name calling and huffing and puffing, I get it, I really do. You can't afford to feed your dogs, or the landlord won't let you keep your dog. For whatever reason you got rid of your dog(s), whether it was driving to a few cities away and dropping it off or simply forfeiting your dog to the pound, which I would say is the least piece of shit thing you can do. Or maybe you have always had your dogs to the end, ride or die, as all dogs are wired to be. whichever the case may be, I hope it was with good intention. Don't worry I fall into one of these categories, so I am much as fault as you. the difference I am trying to make is, getting every single one of those dogs a home where they can live out their days giving all of the love they have, to you, unconditionally. That is what dogs are. You might be thinking or saying, some dogs cannot be saved. I would say to you, something very explicit but I want you to keep reading, so I would just inform you that there is a way that all dogs can be trained or taught to be good dogs. Some may take a lot longer, and a lot of patience, which I know we do not have in today's society, but I am willing to have that patience, if it means saving at least one dog. Then, I believe I have succeeded in what I want to accomplish. It does not mean the work is done, but it means it is a step in the right direction.
We have to remember that the dogs who are the worst dogs, I mean the real bad dogs of "prison" aka the dog pound, no not Snoop's dog pound the real one, you know where you walk in, and it just sounds like complete chaos. I guess that also could be Snoop Doggs dog pound but anyway I'm getting off topic, those dogs who are deemed too aggressive or the ones that no one wants, or the ones that are flooding the humane societies and pounds across the country, Pit Bulls. It is not their fault. For decades these dogs have had a bad reputation because of us. If a dog is a certain way it's our own fault, we trained them to be that way. Some people seem not to understand that dogs are so loyal that you can train them to be such bitches, where no one wants them, and that is not the dogs' fault. As I am sitting here writing this, procrastinating my 6-page business law week 2 paper, I would rather try to save a dog than anything else. That is nothing easy, I've only done it a handful of time with my dogs. What I want to keep accomplishing, is reaching out to people and helping in any way I can to keep dogs out of the Pound and to also prevent dogs from having to do hard time, in the pound. The way I have started doing that, is volunteering, periodically when my schedule allows, to walk dogs who are behind bars. There have been a few dogs who had biting issues that no one wanted to walk, and I took up walking those dogs, to try and socialize them. I find that a lot of these dogs are pit bulls. I asked at the shelter, what criminal offenses did these dogs commit to get them in here for life? they tell me most of them are strays and then the next highest is people dropping them off for a variety of excuses. It is a sad thing to see, because I do not live in a huge city, and every time I go back it seems they have acquired a dozen more dogs and cats. I got myself certified to do some basic obedience training so no, I'm not like Cesear Millan or the great Brandon McMillan, but I am trying to learn different methods and techniques to add to my arsenal. The truth is, I need help. I thought I was eventually going to gain some kind of superpower to save all dogs and have them outlive us all so that one day, dogs rule the world, but it looks like that day is not coming, there's no magic lamp or dust. So, I have to do this the old-fashioned way, by asking for help. There's no money involved, yet. lol. But I believe that together, we can make a difference in this world, that desperately needs. it. (Insert Sara McLachlan song).
I will leave you with this, if you decide to stick around and embark with me on this journey, I promise, we can do a lot of great things for these animals, and for ourselves. It's proven, that there's this chemical in our bodies that makes us happier when we pet dogs. Don't you want to be happier, you sad, piece of... sorry I'll try not to judge. Getting off topic again. Currently, I'm on Rover, which if you aren't familiar with this app, it is a way you can book dog walks for your fur babies or even have someone watch your dog(s) overnight. I am currently a dog walker and I have walked dozens of dogs and currently have a few return customers. Bam! There's my first plug and they aren't even paying me for it... yet! I encourage you to check that app out if you need help with walking your pets. Some dogs are at the house for hours alone, and this would be a good way for your dog to get some needed exercise and become more social. Rover vets everyone and you pretty much have to have a clean record to be a dog walker for them. The only downside to the app is I feel the walkers should get a little bit more, although you can set what you want to charge, Rover still takes its cut, I get it, capitalism, but it still sucks and it's still worth noting. So tip your dog walkers. Safety nowadays is very important, so if you still look on craigslist, I suggest you ask many questions before letting a random stranger walk your dog. Think of this blog more like an intro to a personal hobby of mine. I hope some of you, will be with me many years from now where we can say, we started to save dogs on that Lazy Daisy Day.